“Want to stand out amongst Software Engineers “


Let’s talk about Competitive Programming. In today’s time, where every thing is online and competition level is high, one should be very good at coding if they want to be a productive software developer engineer.

Why competitive programming is this much important ?

Which language I should prefer for it and what to learn first ?

Which websites or courses are best for learning Data Structure and Algorithms (DSA)?

One must be having such questions….

First of all, competitive programming is important because if you are a computer engineer or in any other field (it does not matter) but having skills to handle real time projects, debug it and manage it to get best output is important….this is what a product based company is looking for their employees.

Competitive Programming
Competitive Programming


In all this companies like Google , Amazon, Microsoft, Facebook etc.,for placement first or second round is coding round and to clear that you should be very good at that part.

Now if you have decided to become good at coding skill, then you must have question from where to start..as for beginner, if you don’t know any language then you have options of learning languages like C , C++ , Python , JAVA etc. I will suggest to start with C or Python because C++ and JAVA are little bit hard compare to C or Python,  and these can be learned within two weeks easily.


The resources you can choose are Udemy (paid courses) , YouTube videos or a standard book …..all this are good for learning a new language like python or c.


After that one must start practicing this language on hackerrank or hackerearth , these are good platforms for practice at beginner level.

Now you are ready to get going with data structure and algorithms , because in coding rounds all questions are related to this only. If you don’t know these concepts then it will be difficult for you to solve the problem .


Here are some tips how to start with :

How can a beginner start competitive programming??

Take courses

Practice problems

Just practice more and more problems :

  1. A) Topicwise problems:
  2. i) Hackerank(beginners and intermediate will learn alot)

ii)Hackerearth (follow code monk 2.0)(roadmap)


  1. B) Difficulty level – wise problems:

i) Codechef (follow its roadmap)(use #cproadmap)

ii)Codeforces (really good problems)



Discuss and decide what you wanna start  bcoz if you start today and do die hard practice in next 4 months. You will become atleast 4⭐ and 5 ⭐ on codechef.


If you really want success… Say no to cheating and stop taking shortcuts.


Now in last two months before interview , start solving questions related to interview bit. Questions on interview bit are related to real interview questions of software companies.

Also on geeksforgeeks, company wise and topic wise all questions are there and they are really good for practice among all other platforms much is enough to crack a company’s coding round.


Do your best in coding rounds and interview !!!

All the best …….


A small contribute in competitive programming by

Rinkal Singh