Assuming that you have basic knowledge of competitive programming. If not you can google how to begin competitive programming like Codevita


First round will have 6 questions and 6 hour time limit. Most of the questions will be implementation based. So lets say if there are 6 questions then 4 will be implementation based and 2 will require some algorithmic knowledge. To clear first round you have to solve around 2–3 questions. Also there is partial marking so don’t hesitate to submit your solution if you think your solution can pass some test cases. One important point that I would like to mention here is mostly the questions will have weak test cases. So even brute force solution will get accepted (unlike other coding websites like codechef and hackerrank, where you have to apply the actual algorithm to pass the testcases). So don’t hesitate to try it.


Round two will have similar pattern. But questions will be a bit harder. It will require algorithmic knowledge and good coding skills to qualify second round.


 If you are beginner and have never participated in any online coding competition, then create an account on websites like and Start with basic questions and get accustomed with the environment. Then move to learn some basic algorithms like bfs, dfs, binary search, disjoint set union etc.
Solve 2 or 3 problems. Eventually you’ll be ready to participate and qualify for Codevita.


  1. Platform to sharpen and showcase your programming skills.
  2. Rewards with Global Rankings based on performance
  3. Offers total prize money of US$20, 000/- to the top 3 coders
  4. Can get various career opportunities as well in Tata consultancy services.

Exam Dates

  1. Pre-qualifier Round: Starts from 9th Aug  2020, 09:30 UTC, Online.
  2. Qualifier Round: Starts from 7th November 2020, 09:30 UTC, Online
  3. Grand Finale : 17th February 2021, 03:30 UTC, At the Venue